
25. 03. 2020

25. 03. 2020

120th anniversary

30. 01. 2020

30. 01. 2020

On 30 and 31 January 2020 the partners in CLaDA-BG research e-infrastructure had their face-to-face consortium meeting.

15. 01. 2020

15. 01. 2020

In 2019 IICT-BAS became a participant of the COST Action: European network for Web-centred linguistic data science (NexusLinguarium).

15. 01. 2020

15. 01. 2020

IICT-BAS became an observer of the European Lexicographic Infrastructure (ELEXIS project) in 2019.

07. 12. 2019

07. 12. 2019

International training in coding and electronic publication of mediaeval inscriptions in the University of Cologne

22. 10. 2019

22. 10. 2019

“Tour de CLARIN” is a CLARIN ERIC initiative that aims to periodically highlight prominent User Involvement (UI) activities of a particular CLARIN national consortium.

05. 07. 2019

05. 07. 2019

On 5 and 6 July 2019 a meeting of the CLaDA-BG Cnsortium was held with the members of the International Advisory Board.

24. 05. 2019

24. 05. 2019

Проф. д-р Димитър Попов от Шуменски университет „Константин Преславски“ с Наградата на Шумен за наука в системата на образованието и науката

15. 05. 2019

15. 05. 2019

We were happy to have Ondřej Košarko from Charles University with us to install the LINDAT repository for CLaDA-BG.


25. 03. 2019

25. 03. 2019

We are proud that key partners of CLaDA-BG: Institute of Information and Commutation Technologies, Sofia University, SirmaAI – Ontotext

EU Context and Financial Support
