
B. Mircheva - "Slavic Sources in Cyril and Methodius"

Professor B. Mircheva's book "Slavic Sources on Cyril and Methodius" is already available online.

Master Class "Digital Transformation in Museums: Collections as Data"

CLaDA-BG was a co-organizer of the Master class in Troyan, Bulgaria, in July 14-15, 2022.

"The Bulgarian Event Corpus (BEC): Overview and Initial NER Experiments"

Petya Osenova and Kiril Simov from IICT-BAS presented a poster on a paper...

Zara Kancheva, „Towards incorporating prepositions in BulTreeBank WordNet: A case study”

Zara Kancheva from IICT-BAS is going to present the paper „Towards incorporating prepositions in BulTreeBank WordNet: A case study” ...

Children's Festival of Knowledge and Movement Plovdiv 2022

Children's Festival of Knowledge and Movement Plovdiv 2022 - JUN 4 AT 10 AM – JUN 5 AT 4 PM.

Collegium „Ritornello“ by "Musical Matinee on Friday"

Collegium „Ritornello“ by "Musical Matinee on Friday" is going to be held on "Ivan Vazov" National Library on Friday, June 10, 2022 at 11 AM.

Opening of Plovdiv reads at the Ancient Theater Plovdiv

The Festival Week of the Literary Festival "Plovdiv reads" with the Book Alley in 2022 you can expect from 13 do 19 June.

CLaDA-BG Meeting

On May 26, 2022, a meeting was held among the CLaDA-BG partners ...

An Analysis of the Current Bibliographical Data Landscape in the Humanities

The report has been prepared by the “Bibliographical Data” Working Group of the DARIAH-ERIC consortium.

"Musical Matinee on Friday" is back

"Musical Matinee on Friday" returns with a concert by students from Dobrin Petkov National School of Music and Dance.

EU Context and Financial Support
