International CLaDA-BG Conference 2021
The first edition of the CLaDA-BG conference will be held on September 6 and 7, 2021 - Cherno More Hotel, Varna, Bulgaria in conjunction with RANLP 2021 and in a hybrid mode: face-to-face and online via Zoom.
Language Technologies and Digital Humanities in Bulgaria (LTаDH-BG)
CLaDA-BG 2021 Conference (hybrid mode)
First International CLaDA-BG Conference, Cherno More Hotel, Varna, Bulgaria in conjunction with RANLP 2021
6 - 7 September 2021
CLaDA-BG is the Bulgarian national research infrastructure for resources and technologies for linguistic, cultural and historical heritage, integrated within CLARIN EU and DARIAH EU. Its mission is to provide access to the necessary resources and technologies that would support the research in Social Sciences and Humanities (SS&H). Modeling and linking of various types of knowledge and its contexts is crucial for the successful research in the interdisciplinary field of resources and technologies related to language, art and history.
This is the first edition of the CLaDA-BG conference. It will be held in a hybrid mode: face-to-face and online via Zoom. The attendance will be free of charge but Registration is necessary. It aims at bringing together NLP developers, linguists, digital humanitarians, scholars and all parties interested in knowledge modeling and linking data for research.
Topics of Interest
The topics include, but are not limited to, the following ones:
- Problems in SS&H – research methods, technological support
- Language technologies for sentiment analysis, semantic technologies, trust-worthiness of knowledge graphs, ethical challenges in digital SS&H
- Knowledge Modeling and Elicitation for digital SS&H
- Specific Language Resources and Technologies for historical texts, parliamentary records, speech and multimodal corpora, social media data
- The role of digital libraries, archives and museums in digital SS&H research
- Language Interface to Knowledge Graphs in SS&H
- Knowledge-modeled and linked applications in SS&H
- Best practices and new trends in Knowledge Modeling and Linking for language, culture and history
Invited Speakers
Erhard Hinrichs, Leibniz Institut für Deutsche Sprache Mannheim and Tübingen University, Germany
Piek Vossen, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Simonetta Montemagni, Institute for Computational Linguistics “A. Zampolli”, Italy
Toma Tasovac, DARIAH-EU
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 31. 07. 2021
Notification of acceptance: 11. 08. 2021
Conference: 06 - 07. 09. 2021
We welcome oral presentations or posters (optionally with demo). They must be submitted as extended abstracts (up to three pages including references) in PDF format, in accordance with the template of RANLP 2021 conference which can be found here: https://ranlp.org/ranlp2021/submissions.php.
Extended abstracts must be submitted through the conference management software START: https://www.softconf.com/ranlp2021/CLaDA-BG2021/. It will be reviewed by at least two members of the Programme Committee.
Organizing Chair
Kiril Simov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Program Committee
Alexandra Milanova, Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
António Branco, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Boyka Mircheva, Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Darja Fišer, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Desislava Paneva-Marinova, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Dimitar Iliev, Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria
Dimitar Popov, Shumen University, Bulgaria
Eva Hajičová, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University, Czech Republic
Ivan Georgiev, IICT & IMI, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Ivan Kratchanov, National Library "Ivan Vazov" – Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Gennady Agre, IICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Jurgita Vaičenonienė, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Karlheinz Mörth, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
Kiril Simov, IICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Croatia
Inguna Skadiņa, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia, Latvia
Lars Borin, Språkbanken, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Ludmila Dimitrova, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Maciej Ogrodniczuk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Maria Stambolieva, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria
Mila Maeva, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Milena Dobreva, Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria
Monica Monachini, Institute for Computational Linguistics, Italy
Nicolas Larrousse, Huma-Num, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
Nikola Ikonomov, Bulgariana, Bulgaria
Petya Osenova, Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski” and IICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Radoslav Pavlov, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Roumiana Preshlenova, Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Slavia Barlieva, Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Snežana Petrović, Institute for the Serbian Language, Serbian Academy for Sciences, Serbia
Velka Popova, Shumen University, Bulgaria
Veselka Zhelyazkova, Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Vladimir Alexiev, Ontotext, Bulgaria
Yura Konstantinova, Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Conference Fee
The participation at the conference is free of charge, but the registration is required.
Only the participants on site will have to pay for the conference dinner.
We plan to publish a Proceedings of refereed full papers as a special volume of Springer book series. Thus, a focused Call will be sent after the conference. Each paper will be reviewed by at least two members of the PC/external reviewers.