
Initiative CLARIN Bazaar during CLARIN 2020

Initiative CLARIN Bazaar during CLARIN 2020

Within the CLARIN Annual Conference 2020, a discussion section called CLARIN Bazaar was held, and its goal was conference participants to have the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the various teams and to ask their questions to them. For this purpose, more than 20 teams were divided into special virtual "rooms" (so-called breakout rooms), which the Zoom platform provides, and anyone could join one or several consecutively, depending on their interests. The IICT-BAS team also took part in this section, and its presentation was entitled As You Like It: Event Annotation with INCEpTION. Valeria Quochi showed interest in the presented information, who at the beginning preferred to get acquainted with the work in INCEpTION. Valeria Quochi learned about the way in which the annotation scheme the team is working on has been reached. The main point on this topic, which L. Laskova touched upon, was the starting point for creating the annotation scheme - what already exists as resources in the world (ontologies - CIDOC-CRM, lexical resources such as FrameNet, VerbNet, etc.) to be oriented to the semantic annotation of texts, which is the main task of the team when working with INCEpTION. For greater clarity in the presentation, an example was used related to the event "Birth", which is one of the main in most annotation schemes, and key in working with biographies and historical texts. L. Laskova presented how the information from the study of the concepts and roles related to the "birth" event, described in the ontologies, is combined with the one found in FrameNet - the so-called scenario (“Event” _scenario). The result of comparing the different resources is to build your own list of the types of events and roles (major and minor) related to them, which are necessary for the annotation of the specific type of texts that the team works with, as they are applied to INCEpTION.

L. Laskova presented to Valeria Quochi one of the earlier variants of working with the annotation program, in which a relational scheme was used, explaining its difference with the segmental one, which is currently used. Through a visual example, the difference between the two annotation schemes was demonstrated in practice - in the relational one the annotator has to indicate only the event, as a result, the roles related to him that he has to fill are automatically shown on the side. While in the segment scheme the annotator must judge for himself the roles that are included in the event of his choice. The reasons for the change of the annotation scheme that occurred in the process of work, as well as the advantages and disadvantages related to it were presented. Valeria Quochi was interested in the possibility of reconciling a named entity with the database, which is built into INCEpTION (via ID), using data from DBPedia (for Bulgarian language). The possibilities for modifying the tools used, as well as the future tasks of the team were briefly discussed.

Presentation (PDF)

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