Book "Open a GLAM Lab. Digital Cultural Heritage Innovation Labs"
At the end of 2020 the book "Open a GLAM Lab. Digital Cultural Heritage Innovation Labs", Book Sprint, Doha, Qatar, 23 - 27 September 2019, was published in a Bulgarian version: Да отворим GLAM лаборатория, Translation: Nikola Ikonomov, Professor Marin Drinov Publishing House of BAS. Sofia.
The GLAM acronym stands for: Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums.
This book was written in a short time by 16 authors all over the world. This is a unique concise practical guide about the process of creating an innovative lab in galleries, libraries, archives and museums. At the same time the described principles of creating innovative labs will contribute to the development of scientific institutes, universities and will be useful to all colleagues who are working on Bulgarian cultural inheritage or who are interested in it.